How to prepare your next Modern Slavery Statement

Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) has required a shift in how businesses understand and address modern slavery.

For many businesses the learning curve has been steep.  In this report, we provide you a guide to help your entity in preparing its next Modern Slavery Statement. Fair Supply reviewed the first 1087 statements from the inaugural reporting period for Australian Modern Slavery Statements. We asked: how are businesses responding to the Act? What have businesses done effectively and what may businesses have missed? Of each statement, we asked 17 critical questions, providing us with over 17,000 data points.  

These data-driven learnings form a potent framework for conversation and action as your entity prepares for the next reporting period.

"Our analysis of 1,087 cohort indicates that efforts in this regard are still in their infancy. Modern slavery risks often lie beyond tier one."

How to prepare your next Modern Slavery Statement

Data-driven learnings from the first cohort of Australian Modern Slavery Statements

Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) has required a shift in how businesses understand and address modern slavery.

For many businesses the learning curve has been steep.  In this report, we provide you a guide to help your entity in preparing its next Modern Slavery Statement. Fair Supply reviewed the first 1087 statements from the inaugural reporting period for Australian Modern Slavery Statements. We asked: how are businesses responding to the Act? What have businesses done effectively and what may businesses have missed? Of each statement, we asked 17 critical questions, providing us with over 17,000 data points.  

These data-driven learnings form a potent framework for conversation and action as your entity prepares for the next reporting period.

"Our analysis of 1,087 cohort indicates that efforts in this regard are still in their infancy. Modern slavery risks often lie beyond tier one."

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