This guide is practical. It will equip you to think well about how to improve your modern slavery identification, mitigation and reporting in 2024.
It speaks to the scope and challenge of modern slavery reporting, what good practice looks like. It showcases how the newest release of Fair Supply’s platform can better equip you to navigate those challenges.
Discover tips for effective due diligence:
- Developing a detailed annual plan that includes monthly progress indicators
- Sticking to, and completing, planned due diligence measures
- Conducting joint audits and assessments with collaborating entities
- And many more...
Understand the process of assessing supplier risks including:
- Onsite auditing, including worker interviews
- Supplier-specific desktop auditing
- Supplier self-assessment questionnaires
- And more…
“In an era where organisations navigate the complex landscape of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibilities, the imperative to address modern slavery risk has become paramount. This guide, a testament to Fair Supply's commitment, unfolds the evolving terrain of modern slavery regulations globally.”
Kimberly Randle, Co-Founder & CEO
The second part of this guide provides Global Human Rights Regulation snapshot. Access an overview of the legislative landscape globally, with countries in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Oceania introducing or considering various acts and regulations to address human rights issues in supply chains.