Lead your organisation to

sustainability success

CONDUCT SUPPLY CHAIN RISK ASSESSMENTS, PROACTIVE DUE DILIGENCE & cOMPLIANCE REPOrtING across modern Slavery, Carbon emissions & Biodiversity. all in ONE UNIFIED PLATFORM with the same data.

Trusted by the best companies in the world



ESG risk management and compliance

Fair Supply simplifies ESG risk management and compliance by using business data combined with supply chain mapping technology to reduce time, cost, and effort. This enables businesses of any size to be accountable for their sustainability impact throughout their entire supply chain without the need for deep expertise or big budgets.
Deep supply chain analysis using only basic business expense data
Easy for all to understand, but powerful enough for the professional
Always know what your highest priorities and next steps are
Coordinate your ESG data and activity, all from one place

Improve your sustainability

performance today.

map, measure, and act with insight across your organisation and supply chain to improve sustainability performance.